Violence Intervention & Prevention (VIP) Center 

Susquehanna’s Violence Intervention & Prevention (VIP) Center leads violence prevention, survivor support and campus safety efforts. Through workshops and awareness programs, the center promotes healthy relationships, bystander intervention and violence prevention across campus.

For survivors, the VIP Center provides confidential support, advocacy and counseling in partnership with Transitions of PA. Located in the lower-level of Blough-Weis Library, it offers resources for those affected by sexual misconduct or gender-based violence — whether on campus, off campus or before arriving at Susquehanna.

Commitment to Campus Safety

With support from three Department of Justice grants, Susquehanna has expanded training, resources and prevention programs to enhance campus safety and support survivors. We support all survivors. It’s up to all of us to #ProtectTheNest.

Susquehanna has received Department of Justice grants to enhance campus safety and support survivors. The university was recently awarded an additional $375,000 to continue its work preventing sexual assault and relationship violence on campus. This funding builds on the 2018 and 2020 grants from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women, further strengthening prevention efforts and survivor support.

Seal of Prevention Recipient

Susquehanna University is a recipient of the Campus Prevention Network Seal of Prevention for demonstrating a commitment to digital prevention programs tied to student safety, well-being and inclusion.

Susquehanna was recognized for taking action to create a safer, more inclusive campus through comprehensive, evidence-based digital prevention education on issues such as sexual assault, alcohol misuse, mental health and discrimination.

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Prevention & Awareness Programs

Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Education

Healthy relationships, bystander intervention and digital safety are at the core of prevention efforts. All new students complete online training modules on:

  • Alcohol education, sexual assault prevention, diversity, equity and inclusion and mental well-being

To schedule a workshop, visit the Student Support tile on myNest.

Awareness Initiatives

Campus-wide programs focus on violence prevention, safety awareness and reducing relationship abuse through events such as:

  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April and Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October
  • Interactive workshops, film screenings and guest speakers
  • Take Back the Night, an event for reclaiming community and safety at night

For more events, visit the Student Support tile on myNest.

Get Involved

Join the conversation on preventing gender-based violence by following the VIP Center on Instagram and speaking up against sexual misconduct myths. Participate in awareness events such as Stalking Awareness Month in January, Sexual Assault Action Month in April and Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October.

Register for bystander intervention training, encourage student organizations to host training or volunteer at the VIP Center. Apply for internships or leadership roles and consider focusing academic research on gender-based violence.

Primary Prevention

The VIP Center learns into primary prevention education, which means we instill our students with opportunities to learn and gain skills for situations before they happen. Practicing Bystander Intervention methods before we need them, allows us to be prepared to step in when see a need.

How to Get Involved

Stop by the VIP Center or keep up with the monthly Stall Seat Journal found in campus bathrooms to learn about upcoming events and training opportunities.

Green Dot Bystander Intervention

Launched in 2020, Green Dot is a campus-wide violence prevention program aimed at reducing dating violence, stalking and sexual assault. 

Sign up for Green Dot Training, discuss intervention techniques in student organizations and volunteer at campus events. Faculty and staff can also join the implementation team and encourage students to participate.

Understanding Consent & Gender-Based Violence

Learn more about consent, healthy relationships and gender-based violence through the One Love Foundation, National Domestic Violence Hotline and Love Is Respect. For additional support, visit the VIP Center or explore resources online.

Campus Resources

Women’s Resource Study Room

A gender-equity-focused study space with educational posters, health resources and free period products.

A study room containing bean bag chairs, wobble stools, noise machines, weighted blankets, dimmable lamps and fidget toys

Wellness Room

A restorative space for survivors and students seeking a quiet moment, featuring weighted blankets, salt lamps and bean bag chairs.


Contact Us

VIP Center

514 University Ave.
Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

Get Directions


Campus Map

Phone & Email

Wynn Phillips director

Transitions of PA 24-hour hotline